Friday, August 10, 2012

Our Home

I can't believe it is August as I'm long overdue for a post! Our July has been pretty hectic with the house, my surgery, and of course work. Did I say surgery? Yes, I did. I broke my nose surfing fourth of July weekend. So that put me out a few weeks of photos. All is well now, and the Sellars household is a loving and warm as always.

At last, I've been promising to post photos of our house during the building process and I'm afraid I've not done a good job upholding my promise, but here we are and below are some photos that I took over the weekend. We absolutely can't wait to be in our new home!! Just a few weeks and counting...
Front of our house
Kitchen post granite install
Kitchen facing mudroom/laundry 
Living room facing the backporch
Dining Room and our new chandelier (thank Pottery Barn, I owe ya) 
Backside of the house and detached garage
Think I could have pictures without Gracie and her friend Burwick...course not.
Kitchen: Hood over our oven
Can't wait to be in our new home.
The Mrs.


  1. Just found your blog and love it! Your house is GORGEOUS! I love the outside.

    1. Thank you sweetly!! We feel so grown up owning a home... :)
